Opening the windows will help initially, but once you have the sopping wet items removed, you’ll need to run dehumidifiers to remove the moisture.
The OSB sub-floor needs to dry out. Having the dehumidifiers inside the mobile running will help the top side. Underneath, the belly board insulation is going to be soaked and keeping the bottom of the sub-floor wet. You’ll need to cut out the damaged insulation and let the outside air try to dry the bottom out before the wood chips and glue in the OSB start to de-laminate. If you aren’t able to get this dry fast enough, the sub-floor may need to be replaced.
The duct work that runs under the mobile home will be full of flood water. Any moisture left behind can turn into mold being circulated throughout the mobile home once the furnace or AC is turned on. You can have it professionally sanitized and cleaned or replace it.
Because you’re dealing with flood waters, you’ll want to decontaminate all of the surfaces remaining inside the mobile home before you start to remodel.
Once dried out and clean, then you’re looking at installing insulation, drywall, carpet, cabinets, appliances, etc.
If the water level was 12″ or higher, most would conclude that it doesn’t make financial sense to attempt to repair. It’s best to re-attach the axles, hook a truck up to the mobile home, and haul it to the dump.
If you need help figuring out the extent of your damage, call us at 402-330-1701.