The most important aspect of a home inspection is bringing to light major issues and safety hazards. When I find a cracked heat exchanger on a furnace, I’m surfacing a high-dollar problem and a major safety concern of carbon monoxide poisoning. Finding a crack makes most Listing Agents and Sellers cringe, however, my clients are truly grateful. Having the professional HVAC training, the high-tech equipment, and the years of experience allows me to find a high percentage of the heat exchangers that are cracked. In the 8 years of doing invasive testing on furnaces, I’ve found over 500 furnaces with cracked heat exchangers. For the price of an inspection, my clients are landing an awesome return on their investment. Below are red flags to look for on your furnace, pointers on preventing a crack heat exchanger, and tips on how to know if your HVAC Tech is checking for cracks properly: